Monday, December 7, 2009

Almost 2 Months!

Aubrey will be two months old tomorrow. She is super awesome. You will just have to believe me because the cord to upload photos is in Matt's truck.

He is at a sleep study for the night. He probably has sleep apnea, basically meaning he stops breathing. Most likely he will be getting a mask that will help. That will be great for many reasons...more rest for him, more peace of mind for me, less snoring and since he will be more rested maybe I can convince him to do more things. So the mask= more fun.

Christmas time is soon. We put up our tree last weekend while listening to Jars of Clay's new Christmas CD. Today I started making Aubrey's stocking and then realized I do not have red thread so for now it is just cut out.

Aubrey has had a stuffy nose the last few days. Tomorrow and Thursday are Matt's work parties. We had planned on going to them both, but with a Dr. appointment on Wednesday...I'm not sure if we will make it to both. Three days of being out doesn't seem so wise. If she is seeming well in the morning we will go tomorrow. She has some cute Christmas clothes but I'm not sure if they are warm enough or fit. If she wears them I will definitely take a picture but who knows if it will make it to this blog.

Enjoy the weather!

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