Friday, April 24, 2009

So, I have no pictures of the really cute baby. I can't find my cord to hook up the camera. :( Trust me he is super cute.

About a week ago I felt the baby that is living inside of me move. I was asleep and I felt a butterfly feeling in my belly and thought "oh man, something is not right I better go to the restroom" and then a split second later I figured out what I was feeling. Awesome! My pregnancy has gone really well, except for the incident that occurred early on, I'm still not sure what it was but I guess I will never know. I have definitely been blessed, no sickness at all! In some ways it has been frustrating though. I keep wanting for something to happen that will remind me I am pregnant. I'm just waiting for something to happen, I think it is going to be a long wait. I have felt pregnant this week. When I sleep it feels like my belly is going to stretch and pop, I guess you really to grow while you rest.

The last two times I have gone grocery shopping I have collected all the weekly advertisements and comped my groceries at Wal*Mart. The first time I only saved like $8 but last week I saved $22.89! I only spent $55 and had tons of food, it has been a long time since I have spent that little. It is strangely enjoyable to me, like a scavender hunt.

There is a family friend who is like a super-super-super grocery shopper. She is one of those people who comp everything and have all the coupons, have two carts full of food and only spend $20. It is a good thing she enjoys it and is good at it because she has six children. Well, she feels like this is a way for her to minister. So, she'll go on her shopping sprees and either sell the food for the cheap price she got it to whoever needs it or donate it to the church food bank. I think it is a pretty unique ministry.

These posts are not that exciting, especially without pictures. I use too many commas. Matt should take me to dinner...

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